Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Literal Translation of Minchagi Neenu Baralu song from Galipata movie to English

Minchagi Neenu Baralu song from Galipata movie

This is just for FUN. Original kannada lyrics by Mr.Jayanth Kaykini. Literal translation (word to word) of the same song to English is done by Varun (my friend) which is as follows:

Like lightning u coming
Where i'm standing, there only raining

If it is warm and you are with me
Where i'm sitting there only winter

If the heat of loneliness starts burning
In the heart summer season

Where there is for me chance to live...

For ur heart, i'm the tax payer
To pay my tax dues, i'll definitely come

For the straight heart, i'm the news reporter,
The second i see you, i forget my speech

Excuse me oh lyre, shall i play you
By listening and telling, first of all i'm a culprit

From your mind, lyrics of the poem
I'll get a credit, i'm a loan taker

Memories stolen from the hole in the wall,
I'm an equal partner for that

My pain of the heart, i'll not give it to you
By listening and telling, first of all i'm a thief

Hope you'll enjoy it.